Friday, October 15, 2010

He's a maniac, maniac on the floor......

Landon has become a crazy little man. He, within one week, learned to crawl, sit up on his own, push himself up to sitting, grew another tooth, started saying "mommoommmoommmm", and manged to pull himself up to standing in his crib - he is a maniac. He is into everything, anything not classified as a toy is much more fun than real toys. Speaker wires, dog water, Rob's flip flops, drawer pulls, you name it. He can crawl where he wants and he does. He is eating more and more and recently weighed in at 17 lbs 2 oz - at 8 1/2 months. He loves Cheerios, green beans, and bananas. We flew to Oregon last week for 10/10/10 and Landon stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Erickson and saw Uncle Thomas and Joseph. He had a fantastic time and even came home with some new U of O Ducks outfits, and a few toys. He is still a happy little man, smiling and giggling now with his two bottom teeth poking through like snow capped mountains. He keeps running his tongue over his teeth, I'm sure they feel quite foreign to him. Enjoy the pictures and videos!

Landon in his hiking backpack - a little static in the air :)

Landon next to Lake Mary near Brighton Ski Resort at our hiking destination.

Figuring out how to stand on his own. Busy, busy, busy.

More standing.

A few videos.


  1. Great music to the home movie! Thanks for posting them.

  2. Isn't it amazing to think that in another few months he could be running around? He is adorable!

  3. I agree with Tony, and I agree with Emily. I'd just add that all of these activities are exremely premature, and by the time this kid is 4 he is likely to be wanting to take flight lessons, so enjoy his relative immobility while you can.

    Great pics.
